Where I Stand

Dear Beloved,

        I recently went to get lunch with a friend of mine and catch up. She and I have hardly spoken this whole year due to life circumstances. While we were recapping, she kept mentioning how strongly she desired to stop living in the future and focus on where she is at now. While I agreed with her, I didn’t realize that I needed to do the same exact thing.

        I can't remember how I stumbled a crossed this video, and I can't even find it, but it showed me I really did relate to my friend during that lunch. The video was about a girl saying that for years she would say to herself that when she was finally able to move out of her house and settle down, she would start taking care of her stuff and keeping it nice and tidy. But God spoke to her and said, "Why would I give you the house you desire if you can't manage the apartment you have."

        Boy oh boy… That struck a nerve. I was overwhelmed last night thinking about all that I personally was given control of and how recklessly I treated it. Today, I even wrote it out.

I split it up into 4 categories. My responsibilities, the places that were mine, a few of my things, and lastly my talents/ things that I was called to do. Then, I rated every item on the list by how well I’m currently caring for it. (1-star being ‘thinking of ya!’ and 5-stars being intentionally interacting with it.) If you take a closer look at that picture, you can see very well where my priorities currently are. This is something that I would like to change and I firmly believe that I'm not the only one who needed this wake-up call. (Yes, momma, a wake-up call… not -an ‘already’ up call, I'll finish my laundry soon!!)

       I highly recommend that you make this list too! Keep in mind that I'm a teenager so my categories contain fewer items than yours might. Feel free to add your ministries, relationships, and if you really dare to… add a dream section. How are you doing in terms of your callings, dreams, and spiritual aspirations? If you want, you can even share your list with me. Why do that? You may be asking. My answer is simple, accountability. I could have easily kept my list private and fluffed out 3 more motivational paragraphs dragging on about getting your life together. However, by bringing it out into the open, I'm asking you all to side with me on accountability. It doesn’t have to be me, but accountability is important.

Another question that might be on your mind, is why do you think this list is important? This answer is also quite simple. I think that it’s a necessity to gauge where you stand with the things God has blessed you with already.

“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”

-Colossians 3:23

I’m a dreamer. I have alllllllll the dreams and aspirations. I have visions of my future and a picture of how I want it to look and feel. But what reason does God have to give me any of that if I treat where my feet stand like it’s already something of the past? I will be the first to say I need to focus on glorifying God in my current situation.

If I don’t care for my dogs, why would He give me a horse/baby cow/goat ranch?2

If I don’t maintain my room, why would He open a door for me to potentially move out?

If I’m not intentional with the people in my life, both friends and family, why would He give me additional people to connect with?



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