
Guest of the Week:

Jeremiah Paltan

Listen Here:

Fighting With Me (buzzsprout.com)

Podcast Notes:

11:30 [ALYSSA] “I think that in tv shows, in movies, in songs, in the world and books and general, we see power as something that makes people bad. It’s like something that people crave so much because they get to be in this form of big control. I think that what makes God the most powerful is that His power if fuel completely by love.”

12:10 [JEREMIAH] “I feel like the power of God is still impacting me today. It’s continuous. I feel like when I talk about what he’s done, I’m just rating as like that’s 10 and nothing can top that. And it’s impossible because every single day he just marvels me.”

19:30 [JEREMIAH] “Alyssa, I’ll tell you right now, I do not worship God to get healed. I’m not remaining pure or faithful to God because I want him to heal my vocal chords. No, I’m doing it because when I look back at all that He’s done, that’s enough for me to still keep holding on… If He decides to heal me or not, I’m okay with the outcome because He’s done enough for me. ”

21:30 [JEREMIAH]“Worship without Gods alignment cause you to burn out, not want to do it anymore, and not see the beauty in it.”

22:30 [JEREMIAH] “The difference between religious worship and… true genuine worship is that religious worship is all about observation. It’s what God is doing in other people. I would be sitting there playing keys and then I would see how God would set someone free. I would see how God would heal somebody while I was still going through my mess. But a worship that is Spirit and truth requires participation. Where here I am participating from the joy of Lord in what God is doing in other people. God is saving them and I’m like, God save me too. God is healing them and I’m like, God, heal me too.”

26:45 [JEREMIAH] “I didn’t start preaching at a stage, at the altar, at the church, I started preaching at school in the lunch room.bringing over 40 young people to church with this testimony “you saw me how I was then… look how I am now. And what God did with me now, He can do with you.”

32:25 [JEREMIAH] “We can’t please God with our acts, we please Him with our faith.”


Episode: Community