Dear Beloved,
I wasn't planning on writing this week. I was giving myself the excuse that because it was spring break, my birthday, I had family and friends in town I was going to be too busy. So I premeditated not writing for this week and giving it some lame excuse. I knew full well that I would have time to sit down and write. (Ready for the ironic part?!) I already knew I was going to write about consistency!
I was physically sitting there earlier today planning this blog for next week... Safe to say that I was feeling pretty convicted while doing so. With all that said, welcome to this week's blog about consistency.
I'm sure that we all know that one of the hardest things about following Jesus is doing it consistently. We can be on fire for Him after a church camp but fall off in two weeks. We can be really into reading our Bibles when we have no plans and forget it exists the second our schedule fills up. The same goes for prayer and maintaining a line of steady communication with God.
The Bible describes our relationship with God as a father and son relationship, a husband and wife relationship, a master and servant relationship. Notice that the keyword here is "relationship".
As humans, we all know that ALL relationships need maintenance. As children of God, we are actively invested in a relationship with Him. In good and healthy relationships, there is a desperate need for trust, communication, honesty, vulnerability and so much more.
These are things that we often fall short of in relationships with people that we can physically see. You can only imagine how difficult it must be to grow and develop a relationship with God... whom we can't physically see.
One conversation a week, may not cut it. If we want to draw close to God and enter into a real relationship with Him, we need to maintain consistency. In all areas of our lives. Whether that may be writing, painting, reading, anything that you do to draw you closer to God and build your bond with Him, do it consistently.
Relationships are work, and our relationship with God is no exception. We must be consistent with God. The moment that we let go of our routine, the easier it becomes to make up more and more excuses for ourselves.